Bill Rone - l was fortunate to attend the Kentucky Criminal Justice Forum in Louisville, Kentucky on July 15, 2019. The forum was comprised of a wide variety of stakeholders who represent many different pieces of the criminal justice puzzle - State Representatives, lawyers, individuals who work for the Department of Corrections and in Probation and Parole, judges, individuals from quasi-governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, and most importantly - community members who care.
The forum was organized into presentations followed by break-out sessions - there was a palpable energy in the room, with connections being made and so much great information being shared. It was, as someone suggested, as though many threads were coming together to create an amazing fabric. Personally, I have seen so much more cooperation already in Kentucky than I saw during the last five years I spent in Missouri. This makes me very optimistic about creating a Community Support Network here in Kentucky.
I made many connections (see a few in the photo) and hope to attend and report on more forums organized by the hosts around the state. I believe this is a very positive sign for IJRD.