Researching & Responding to Barriers of Prisoner Reentry
Carrie Pettus-Davis and her research team at the Institute for Justice Research and Development have embarked on a revolutionary approach to research and evidence driven reentry reform for formerly incarcerated individuals. More than 95% of incarcerated individuals are eventually released back into their communities, which translates into approximately 12,000 people being released from state and federal prisons weekly. Learn more about the work of IJRD and their signature project, the 5-Key Model for Reentry. "What is most exciting to me about this research is that we are analyzing our data as we go," explained Pettus-Davis. "This allows us to learn in real-time about how to adjust the 5-Key Model based on the feedback we receive from study participants and research team members implementing the program during the course of the study."
IJRD is featured on pages 6-7.