collab test edward andrews

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"While working to earn my own college degree, I was introduced to this type of research and for the first time, I immediately identified with what I was reading. The research, conducted by the Institute for Justice Research and Development at Florida State University (FSU IJRD), explored the trauma incarcerated men had experienced throughout their lives and interventions to treat it. This research helped me to better understand myself and the unaddressed symptoms of trauma I was suffering and how those experiences I had throughout my life related to my prior incarceration. But the evidence-based research and solutions outlined by FSU IJRD also provided me with a blueprint to address the pain, barriers and emotional stagnation that trauma caused. And even more, it helped me develop a program and curriculum to help others address the invisible barriers of past trauma and make more effective life decisions as they release from incarceration."

"IJRD's research exploring the trauma incarcerated men had experienced throughout their lives and interventions to treat it helped me better understand myself, my unaddressed symptoms of trauma, how trauma related to my prior incarceration. And even more, it helped me develop a program and curriculum to help others address the invisible barriers of past trauma and make more effective life decisions as they release from incarceration." 

Edward Andrews
Founder and President, Second Chance Re-entry Initiative Program