Cover of the Journal on Social Work Education a publication of the Council on Social Work Education

To What Extent Is Criminal Justice Content Specifically Addressed in MSW Programs? A 10 Year Review and Update

Published: | Author: Phillipe Copeland, Christopher Collins, Shelby Pederson, Stephen Tripodi, Matthew Epperson

This study examined the prevalence and types of criminal justice content being offered in Council on Social Work Education programs. Data were collected through questions sent via e-mail to program administrators and content analysis of school websites for three hundred and eight MSW programs. Criminal justice content was measured in three main areas: (a) dual- or joint-degree options, (b) concentrations or specializations, and (c) courses. The results show that most MSW programs do not cover criminal justice content.

Category: Criminal Justice System, Social Work
Smart Decarceration Practice Behaviors for Social Work Competencies

Smart Decarceration Practice Behaviors for Social Work Competencies

Published: | Author: Phillipe Copeland, Daniel Jacob, Diane Young, Annie Grier, Stephanie Kennedy, Stephen Tripodi

This tool was conceived by a members of the “Promote Smart Decarceration” Grand Challenge Education Working Group to provide guidance for social work administrators, instructors, and students on how to effectively incorporate “smart decarceration” as a focus for social work education using the CSWE social work competencies.

This tool incorporates smart decarceration-related practice behaviors for ready application into both classroom curricula and field practicums. 

Category: Grand Challenges, Smart Decarceration