Looking Beyond Recidivism: New Research on Well-Being in Prisons and Jails From the National Institute of Justice
| Author: Stephen Tripodi
At the National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) 2023 National Research Conference, Sanchez led a discussion on corrections research that looked beyond preventing recidivism to explore evidence-based ways of improving individual experiences and institutional culture within prisons and jails. The conversation was a direct outgrowth of Sanchez’s belief that services focused on improving people’s lives after prison cannot come at the expense of efforts to expand their opportunities while inside.
Category: Criminal Justice System, Criminal Justice Reform, Well-Being

To What Extent Is Criminal Justice Content Specifically Addressed in MSW Programs? A 10 Year Review and Update
| Author: Phillipe Copeland, Christopher Collins, Shelby Pederson, Stephen Tripodi, Matthew Epperson
This study examined the prevalence and types of criminal justice content being offered in Council on Social Work Education programs. Data were collected through questions sent via e-mail to program administrators and content analysis of school websites for three hundred and eight MSW programs. Criminal justice content was measured in three main areas: (a) dual- or joint-degree options, (b) concentrations or specializations, and (c) courses. The results show that most MSW programs do not cover criminal justice content.
Category: Criminal Justice System, Social Work

The metropolitan context of substance use and substance use disorders among US adults on probation or parole supervision
| Author: John Moore, Tanya Renn, Christopher Veeh
Rates of substance use and substance use disorders are higher among adults on probation or parole supervision compared to the general population. Substance use is a risk factor for not adhering to supervision requirements, which may result in revocation and incarceration. Examining associations of metropolitan area status with substance use and substance use disorders may identify specific substance use behaviors that can be targeted in community corrections prevention and treatment services.
Category: Substance Use, Community, Criminal Justice System

To What Extent Is Criminal Justice Content Specifically Addressed in MSW Programs?
| Author: Matthew Epperson, Leslie Roberts, Andre Ivanoff, Stephen Tripodi, Christy Gilmer
This study examined the extent to which criminal justice content is addressed in all CSWE-accredited MSW programs in the United States (N = 192). Criminal justice content was measured in three areas: (1) dual or joint degree programs, (2) concentrations or specializations, and (3) coursework. Excluding social work and law classes, 22% of all MSW programs offered a course specific to criminal justice. Nine programs (5%) offered a concentration or specialization in criminal justice. Only 1% of MSW programs offered all three areas of criminal justice content.